Large Munsterlander Rescue News

This is the noticeboard of Large Munsterlander Rescue, where news and announcements will be posted.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Thank you for the photos and please continue to send - not only of Rescued Munsters but any of our friends and supporters out there - we need your pics too.


We are pleased to report that our pup "Boris" is settling well in his new home.

No sooner we "clear the decks", we hear that we are to have a further two coming in (one bitch and one dog) - so again we are searching for new homes for them.

If you are considering a Rescued Munsterlander - please download one of our forms which gives us all the information we need to try to match dogs to your circumstances.

We will be VERY VERY pleased to hear from you..... this has been one of our busiest years ever - so we continue to need new Rescue homes urgently.

Thanks for reading.