Large Munsterlander Rescue News

This is the noticeboard of Large Munsterlander Rescue, where news and announcements will be posted.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


New home urgently wanted for a 7-year-old speyed bitch who is friendly and good with children. She is seeking a kind, permanent home, preferably where her new owners are at home all day.

The usual home checks apply unless already a Rescue Owner.

Further details from Rae.

Monday, January 09, 2006


The deadline for the next issue of F.O.R.U.M. is 1st February. Please email any articles to and/or All contributions welcome, news about your Rescued Munster, stories about your Munster's antics, jokes, poems and photos. Though we love to hear from our Rescues, all contributions are much appreciated whether your Munster is Rescued or not. Also please don't forget the caption competition on the back page, we had some great entries last time. Here's a reminder of the photo or if you haven't seen it (you don't have to be a F.O.R.U.M. subscriber to have a go).

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Large Munsterlander Rescue diaries

There are still a few LM Rescue diaries left for sale. The price is £2.50 plus 50p postage & packing. There are two versions of the diary available one featuring supporter's dogs which includes show dates, Munsterlander judges & closing dates.

... and the other featuring only Rescue dogs, this version does not include show dates...

Both versions are available from Elle Banks, email