Large Munsterlander Rescue News

This is the noticeboard of Large Munsterlander Rescue, where news and announcements will be posted.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Many of you will know that 2011 sees our Pearl Anniversary at Large Munsterlander Rescue. Rae has been involved for all of that time and has lost count of all the dogs that have been helped and rehomed.

Some special calendars are available this year to commemorate this 30th year anniversary. There are two versions, very different to those we have had before and we hope that you like them. One of our friends has kindly donated her time and efforts in producing some cartoons to go with the lovely photographs of the dogs in one of the calendars, and the other shows some really lovely photos of Munsters, both our supporters and our rescues.

Please support us by purchasing one of the calendars. Please state which one you would like. The cost is £6 to include postage. Please call Rae with your orders on 01302 711691.

I shall be away from my computer for a short while over the next week or so. We are moving house so you will not be able to reach me on the landline telephone or at the address on the contact details. If I am needed urgently, please call my mobile 07770 900617 or text me. When I have worked out why I cannot get the front covers of the calendars to show and download to this site, then you will be able to see them.

Jean Stone, Secretary