Just to let you know that you should be receiving t he latest copy of the F.O.R.U.M. Magazine over the next week - some people have run asking where it has got to! Sorry for the delay, but we hope that you like the new copy.
We still have some Supporters Callendars and Rescue and Supporters Diaries, there are also still some cards available. Please contact Rae should you like to order.
The girl mentioned in my last message is still seeking a new permanent home - PLEASE PLEASE get in touch if you can help.
Don't forget your cameras whilst you are on a break from work over the holiday season - we will soon be asking for new pictures of your dogs. If you have a quiet minute over the Christmas break, you might like to put pen to paper and let us have your stories, updates and anything else about your dogs. Hints and tips for inclusion in F.O.R.U.M. would also be very welcome.