Large Munsterlander Rescue News

This is the noticeboard of Large Munsterlander Rescue, where news and announcements will be posted.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Munsterlander Notes

FEEDING - Couple of sites that might be useful for those thinking about feeding natural - takes you to Marcelle King who has Afghans - and has some interesting points about natural feeding (she has kindly given permission to use some of her writing in our F.O.R.U.M. mag). She has also written articles about this in Dog World.

Dr. Ian Billinghurst's book "The Barf Diet" makes an interesting read - but I must admit although I feed "natural", I have not followed his guidelines 100%. The biscuit I use is Natural Choice "Wholebake" which is an holistic health meal and their website is and the nutritional information given is 55.2% cabs. 11.3 % protein, 11.4% moisture, 3.5% total sugars, 2.7% crude fibre, 1.8% ash, 0.8% oil - it contains no artificial ingredients. Touching wood here, but my girls have been happy and healthy on this diet for a long time now, I make sure they have oily fish, add olive oil occasionally, they have natural yoghurt etc.

I must add that I hear people say how complicated and involves a lot of "messing about" - but I found once you get into the swing of it, it is so simple.

We have found that some dogs coming into Rescue have been fed a high protein complete - and a significant difference is seen once they have been changed to a natural diet - all the Rescues go out to their new homes with a diet sheet and a pack up back for their first few days supplies. Rae and I are happy to answer any questions people might have about this.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Large Munsterlander Rescue News


Just a reminder - by kind permission of the LMC, Rescue will have a tombola stall at the forthcoming Championship Show - have a look at our latest silver Anniversary items too - we have pens, slate coasters and mugs. See you all there........

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Newest Rescue News!

We have heard from our latest Rescue Kalli who went to her new home last week. She is happy and settling in well. We hope to have further news together with photos in a forthcoming edition of F.O.R.U.M. magazine. Thank you to the supporters who helped out with her whilst we were away at the Show in Kent.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Although exact figures are not yet to hand, we understand that the show made approaching £3000 - what a tremendous effort by all those involved and those who attended. A HUGE thankyou to everyone.


The Silver Anniversary Pet Photo Competion made the tremendous sum of £686.65. A few of the results are as follows:-

Best Photo - Sally the Rescued Munsterlander - Marie Price
Reserve - Pablo the Cat - David Bishops

Best Supporter - Sue Felcs

Special Aware for Best Munsterlander Supporter - Aileen Booth

Thanks everyone for your support.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Show is Over!

Well, the Silver Anniversary Show is over! I would like to thank all of those who travelled to support us with their Munsterlanders - it was so good to have them all there. Lovely also to see the happy Rescues and it was a pleasure (well apart from the pouring rain) to judge the Munster Classes on Saturday and I know how much Pam Graham enjoyed doing them on Sunday and because the weather had improved slightly, we could indulge ourselves with a Parade of Munsterlanders to follow her classes. I should mention that apart from the Munsters, almost every other breed was represented and enjoyed their pedigree and novelty classes. We met some interesting people and delightful dogs. Just a shame about the weather. Please read our full Report together with photographs in the forthcoming edition of FORUM.