Large Munsterlander Rescue News

This is the noticeboard of Large Munsterlander Rescue, where news and announcements will be posted.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Because we have to be thinking about events and plans for 2010, we thought over the past few days about 2009 and how it has been for Rescue. There was never a shortage of dogs thats for sure, as soon as we entered into the first week of 2009, along came the first dog, quickly followed the following week by a second and it has been like that for much of the year. Many of those coming in needed to be neutered, and as I write Rae tells me that the last Veterinary bill for this has been paid, bringing us up to date.

I am so pleased to have received some photographs "Munsters in Winter" and look forward to including some "festive" ones under that title. I am looking at those to include some in the calendars and diaries for next year too.

We have some calendars left, so if you are quick, we could get those out to you before the start of the New Year.

I am already looking for copy for our next edition of the F.O.R.U.M. magazine - so any stories, amusing incidents, recipes, poems etc., would be gratefully received - just email those to me.

Thanks so much for the lovely Christmas cards sent to us, most often they bring news of our lovely Rescue dogs - it is always so good to hear how they are progressing and getting on with their lives with their new families.

I shall write again nearer to Christmas, unless some news becomes urgent or of interest to you all.