Hi everyone, apologies for not posting for a while - been laid low with one of these viruses which wiped me out for a while (much to the dogs disgust). By the time you read this, our deadline for photographs for the Calendars and Diaries will have passed. This does not mean that we do not still want photographs and your stories, poems or other items for our F.O.R.U.M. Magazine, so please keep them all coming.
It is again subscription renewal time for the FORUM magazine - and thank you to those who have sent these so promptly. If you do not yet receive our magazine, you can subscribe quite easily, cost is £7 per year (£8.50 for overseas) and don't forget it is "your" magazine, and we love to receive any items for inclusion.
If you do subscribe, you will also have received details of the Rescue Pet Photo Competition and we look forward to receiving those. If you read this and you are entering the competition, a note to say that we can use your entry photographs would be very welcome.
Look forward to hearing from you ALL, and thank you for your continued support.
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